Joint Pain and Food Intolerance

Do Your Joints Always Hurt or Ache?

Ranging from mild irritability to extreme discomfort, constant joint pain can hinder our mobility and keep us from participating in the activities we enjoy the most.  


How Does Joint Pain Start?


Joint pain is often the result of inflammation from surrounding cartilage or muscle tendons. However, joint pain can also stem from arthritis, or inflammation within the joint itself.


How Can Joint Pain Affect Your Life?


Depending on the severity, joint pain may only arise during or after certain athletic activities. Yet, as the body ages, the degeneration of cartilage (due to a lifetime of use and other factors) can greatly increase inflammation, swelling, and joint pain.


Certain cases of joint pain can be remedied by lifestyle changes and physical therapy.


Symptoms Include:


  • Joint Swelling,
  • Joint Tenderness,
  • Locking of the Joint,
  • Reduced Range of Motion
  • Weakness and Stiffness
  • Limited Mobility


How Diet Affects Joint Pain Symptoms


According to Harvard Medical School, “One of the most powerful tools to combat inflammation comes not from the pharmacy, but from the grocery store. Many experimental studies have shown that components of foods or beverages may have anti-inflammatory effects.”


Foods that commonly cause inflammation include:


  • Refined Carbohydrates
  • Red Meat
  • Fried Foods
  • Beverages High in Sugars


Foods that fight against inflammation include:


  • Leafy Vegetables
  • Nuts
  • Olive Oils
  • Fatty Fish


However, even some of these healthy foods can cause increased inflammation if you have a food intolerance.


A food intolerance occurs when our bodies cannot properly digest and convert the foods we eat into the necessary nutrients that fuel our systems. When this happens, the immune system will kick-in and start attacking the improperly digested proteins, causing inflammation, which can then cause many negative symptoms including aches and joint pain.


How a Food Intolerance Test Can Help


Eliminating and replacing problem foods from your diet may help fight against constant joint pain. The quickest way to identify your food intolerances is by taking a blood test that measures IgG antibody levels against a variety of different food proteins.


This kind of testing helps to quickly identify which foods are responding negatively with your system and can be much more efficient than food journaling or guess-and-check diets.


All that’s left to do after you get your results is to eliminate the foods you’re intolerant to. That’s it. No follow ups. No exercise regiments. Zero hassles.

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