Stomach cramping, aches, or abdominal pain is something everybody has to deal with at some time or another. Usually, no treatment is necessary and negative symptoms fade after some time.
Yet, when chronic, lifestyle and eating changes may be required to reduce discomfort.
In most cases, stomach cramps and slight pains are nothing to worry about. They can be attributed to anything from too much gas buildup to indigestion. In some cases, however, stomach cramping can be a sign of an underlying condition. Visit your GP if abdominal pain is severe and doesn’t go away.
Possible underlying causes include:
When dealing with food intolerance and stomach pain, two major factors play a role in creating negative symptoms:
When your body lacks the enzymes required to break down the foods you eat, your immune system will treat the undigested proteins as intruders. The inflammatory-immune response that ensues can cause dull to sharp pains in your stomach as your body defends itself.
The inability to break down foods in your intestines can lead to an imbalance of bacteria in the gut or digestive tract. This can ultimately lead to a greater buildup of gas that can then become trapped and cause pain.
Effectively monitoring how your body reacts to your diet can help identify possible trigger foods that worsen cramps and abdominal issues.
Eliminating and replacing problem foods from your diet may help fight against cramping or reduce symptoms. The quickest way to identify your food intolerances is by taking a blood test that measures IgG antibody levels against a variety of different food proteins.
This kind of testing helps to quickly identify which foods are responding negatively with your system and can be much more efficient than food journaling or guess-and-check diets.
All that’s left to do after you get your results is to eliminate the foods you’re intolerant to. That’s it. No follow ups. No exercise regiments. Zero hassles.