How Does Food Intolerance Make You Sick?

The Basics

Food intolerance occurs when you eat something but it fails to be properly broken down in the intestines. This process usually takes place when your body lacks the necessary digestive enzymes – it’s their task to break down food molecules so that they can be properly absorbed into the bloodstream.


When the body doesn’t produce enough (or any) of an enzyme that a food requires for proper digestion, the proteins cannot convert into amino acids or nutrients, and will start accumulating in the gut and eventually make their way into the bloodstream improperly.

Inflammation and Sickness

When these partially digested proteins enter the bloodstream, the immune system has no choice but to identify them as intruders and start attacking.


This attack triggers inflammation in the gut, which is the catalyst to many negative symptoms of food intolerance. Basically, through inflammation, the body is trying to remove harmful cells, irritants, and foreign intruders.


Just like when you have the flu, which also causes inflammation, the body’s fight against the imperfectly digested food will cause symptoms including fatigue, migraine & headaches, eczema, bloating, gas, congestion, weight gain, brain fog, joint ache, acid reflux, food cravings, diarrhea, skin rash and more.

Differently from the flu, however, these food intolerance related symptoms can sometimes persist over a lifetime if neglected.

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